Solar Electric Power System and its Components

All QuestionsCategory: Power and EnergySolar Electric Power System and its Components
User AvatarSamuel Esene asked 4 years ago

1. Is it possible to connect from the PC modules directly without the battery which serves as the bank?
2. While using solely battery and inverter,how does one gauge if the battery is full as it’s directly charged by the grid or gasoline generator?

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1 Answers
Alvinz answered 4 years ago

1 There special string inverter that allows you to use power directly from.array. but it advicable to have battery back or a diesel generator for days when it cloudy  and there no sunshine
2 Alway buy smart inverter with display screen from which you veiw battery level also smart inveter like Wavetra lion 2 to 5kw will stop charging the onces the battery is full to prevent over charge.

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