solve-11001 and 1111

All Questionssolve-11001 and 1111
Asogwa Chiomzy asked 8 months ago

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1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 8 months ago

To solve the subtraction problem 11001 – 1111, we can use binary subtraction. Here’s how you can perform the subtraction:


- 1111

Starting from the rightmost digit (the ones place) and moving to the left:

  1. 1 – 1 = 0
  2. 0 – 1 (borrowing 1 from the next column) = 1 (write down 1)
  3. 1 (from the borrow) – 1 = 0
  4. 0 – 1 (borrowing 1 again) = 1 (write down 1)
  5. 1 (from the borrow) – 1 = 0

So, the result of 11001 – 1111 in binary is 10010.

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