Ways of fighting political apathy

All QuestionsWays of fighting political apathy
Janet asked 3 years ago

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10 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 3 years ago

Here are the ways you can fight political apathy in Nigeria:
Ways of Fighting Political Apathy
The following ways are the means by which citizens can fight against political apathy

  1. By participating in election
  2. By knowing and defending our right
  3. By joining or belonging to popular organizations like the NLC (Nigeria Labor Congress) political party like APC, PDP,LP etc.
  4. Participation in elections: learning of biographies and political activity of candidates.
  5. Learning and defending people’s rights.
  6. Join Nigerian political parties or organizations such as Nigeria Labor Congress.
  7. Development of political culture and interest.
  8. Motivation of the people to improve their lives that depend on political situation in the country.

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Andrew answered 3 years ago

explain ways of fighting political apathy

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Andrew answered 3 years ago

explain ways of fighting political apathy

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Andrew answered 3 years ago

explain ways of fighting political apathy

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Andrew answered 3 years ago

explain ways of fighting political apathy

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