What do you mean by negative and positive ground systems in solar charge controllers

All QuestionsCategory: Power and EnergyWhat do you mean by negative and positive ground systems in solar charge controllers
User Avatarboluy asked 4 years ago

Can you please elaborate on what you mean by positive and negative ground systems as stated in the notes differentiating between charge controllers.

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1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 4 years ago

thanks and this is a very important question you asked. Technically, that is in the real sense, there is no polarity assigned to ground. Which means no one can claim that this ground is positively charged on negatively charged. Yet this terminology is often used. I must admit that it is not the right term to use technically but it is used anyway to identify the or differentiate the positive side of the battery and negative side.
So the positive ground is the positive terminal and vice versa.
I hope this helps. Feel free to ask further questions as you progress in your lessons.

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