Safety means protection from danger or injury. Safety guidelines are the rules to be followed in order to reduce or eliminate danger or injury. The safety of road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorists is highly important given the number of road accidents on roads and highways. Great importance also needs to be placed on the safety of students and their instructors in workshops in order to prevent accidents.
Accidents are unpleasant events. They happen unexpectedly and cause injury or damage. We must plan against them by taking safety measures.
Safety Guidelines for Pedestrians
The following safety guidelines for pedestrians should be observed:
- Always walk on the left side of the road facing oncoming traffic.
- Where sidewalks are provided, use them rather than walking on the tarred road.
- Wear reflective or bright coloured clothes at night and carry a torch.
- When crossing the road, look left, right and left again before crossing.
- Walk quickly when crossing.
- Pedestrians should attempt to cross the road only at a safe place such as the:
(a) Zebra crossing
(b) Pedestrians overhead bridge
(c) Traffic light junctions, and
(d) Opposite islands
- You should never step on the crossing until you are sure the driver has seen you and has slowed down to stop.
- Make eye contact drivers before crossing in front of them.
- Never cross roads where there are guard rails, near the brow of a hill, at corners and bends, or near a parked vehicle.
- When crossing, where traffic lights have been put in place, watch to see when the red light goes on, to stop traffic moving along the road you want to cross.
11. Use pedestrian bridges where they are available.

Zebra crossing is an area on the road with markings of black and white rectangular stripes.
Safety Guidelines for Cyclists
The following are the safety guidelines for cyclists.
1. Cycle care: Ensure that your cycle is in good condition before you ride it. Check the brakes, tyres, head light and rear light reflectors.
2. Look behind: Do not start off, turn right or left, or pull up without first glancing behind to see if it is safe. Give a very clear signed of what you intend to do.
3. Ride in a single file: Do not ride side by side. It is not only unsafe for you but dangerous for other road users.
4. Turning left: Hold out your left arm sideways, want until it is safe and move into position with your left arm held out throughout. Exercise caution but ride briskly.
5. Safe riding: while riding:
(i) Always hold on to the handle bar and keep your feet on the pedals.
(ii) Do not hold on to another vehicle or other cyclists.
(iii) Do not carry a passenger unless your cycle has been built or altered to do so.
(iv) Do not ride close behind another vehicle.
(v) Do not carry anything that may affect your balance.
(vi) Do not ride without using crash helmet.
(vii) Wear a padded clothes and bright colour jacket when you are riding.

- List four safety guidelines for pedestrians.
- Mention three safety guidelines for cyclists.
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