Physical and Health Education

Safety measures in contact and non-contact sports

Safety Measures in Contact Sports

  1. The playground must be kept clean; that is, remove all dangerous materials on the field e.g. stones, broken bottles, pegs, etc.
  2. Do not perform or play on a slippery ground.
  3. Warm-up properly before performing any exercise.
  4. Apparatus must be arranged and inspected before use.
  5. Avoid wearing high heel shoes or too heavy boots.
  6. Participants’ dresses/sport wears should be smart and loose enough to allow free movement of the body.

Safety Measures in Non-contact Sports

The following are safety measures in non-contact sports:

Safety Measures in Gymnastics

Accident often occurs during gymnastics. To reduce accident therefore, certain  safety precaution must be taken.

  1. Have a proper warm up before activities
  2. Start from simple to complex
  3. Apparatus must suit the activity.
  4. Enough landing foam to prevent jars and injuries during vaulting
  5. Never carry out any activity without instruction
  6. Check the activity areas and be sure they are free from hazards
  7. Wear the correct customer ( sports wears)
  8. Master the fundamental skills before performing
  9. Ask questions when in doubts
  10. Practice skills within your capacity
  11. Always follow instructions
  12. Avoid wearing ornament during activities

Safety Measures in Aquatic Sports

In aquatic sports, the following are important safety measures:

  1. Swimmers should take a shower before swimming to adjust the body to the water temperature
  2. Never use the pool where there is no life guard
  3. Beginners should start from the shallow end of the pool
  4. Learners should obey and follow instructions
  5. There should be no running around to avoid slip and fall
  6. Avoid the use of ornaments such as neck lace
  7. No rough play such as pushing people into water
  8. There should be proper warm up to stimulate the body for vigorous actions in the water

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