Business Studies

Meaning of Journal

A journal is a document which contains the daily records of business transactions. Each record in a journal is called […]

Business Studies

Facts you don’t know about Source documents

Source documents may be defined as original documents on which monetary transactions are recorded, which provide necessary information for the […]

Business Studies

Consumer market and society

CONSUMER, MARKET AND SOCIETY CONTENT Meaning of Consumer, Market and Society Need for Consumer Education Importance of Consumer Education Consequences […]

Business Studies

Consumer market and society

CONSUMER, MARKET AND SOCIETY CONTENT Meaning of Consumer, Market and Society Need for Consumer Education Importance of Consumer Education Consequences […]

Business Studies

co-operative societies

A cooperative society exists when groups of workers, individuals, organizations, farmers or communities pull their resources together towards a common […]

Business Studies

Who is an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is gotten from the French verb ‘entrepreneur’, which means ‘to undertake’. Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a business […]

Business Studies

Honesty in business

Meaning of Honesty and Truthfulness Honesty is the quality of being truthful and trustworthy. To be honest is to tell […]

Business Studies

Meaning and classification of Occupation

Meaning of Occupation Occupation is any legitimate activity one engages in order to earn a living. It is a means […]

Business Studies

How to use Correct spacing in computing

Spacing keys are special keyboard characters that are used to give appropriate characters that are used tp give gap(s) in […]

Business Studies

Alphanumeric keys and how to identify them

These are keys of all the alphabets (a – z) and numbers (0 – 9). The alphanumeric keys also include […]