Cultural and Creative Arts

Functions of Drama

The roles of drama ranges from instructive, educative, informative, entertaining, therapeutic, social and cultural to religious and political experiences. Instructive […]

Cultural and Creative Arts

Music Composition

Musical composition can refer to an original piece of music, either a song or an instrumental music piece, the structure of a musical piece, or the […]

Cultural and Creative Arts

Exhibition and display techniques

An art exhibition is traditionally the space in which art objects (in the most general sense) meet an audience. The exhibit is universally understood to be […]

Cultural and Creative Arts

Igbo-Ukwu Art

Igbo-Ukwu is notable for three archaeological sites, where excavations have found bronze artifacts from a highly sophisticated bronze metal-workingculture dating perhaps to the ninth or […]

Christian Religious Studies JSSCE


Meaning of disobedience: Disobedience is failure or refusal to obey or abide by the rules, regulations and instructions stipulated or […]

Christian Religious Studies JSSCE

Lessons from the Services of Joseph and Ruth

The lives of Ruth and Joseph show us that God rewards hard work and commitment. There are blessings in rendering […]

Christian Religious Studies JSSCE

Call to service

Service is doing some work which one is called upon to perform or one volunteers to do. In service, one […]

Christian Religious Studies JSSCE

Call to obedience

Obedience means doing what you are told to do. It is to comply with the rules and regulations at home and […]

Christian Religious Studies JSSCE

The People of Nineveh Repent of their Sins

The people of Nineveh were evil in their ways. They did many evil things to one another. They were wicked. […]

Christian Religious Studies JSSCE

Call to repentance

The Meaning of Repentance To repent means to regret, be sorry, feel sorrow or feel ashamed for any wrong done. […]