English Notes

Speech Work – Rhyme Scheme

Another aspect of Test of Orals which students must be very familiar with is rhyme. Rhyme occurs when words end in same sound. To be more precise, two words rhyme with each other when they have:

  • Same vowel ending.

Example:         go        –           know

                        do        –           sue

                        buy      –           thigh

  • Same final consonants (or consonant cluster sequence)

Example:         worst   –           burst

                        count   –           amount

                        just      –           dust

  • Same final vowel and consonant.

Example:         half      –           laugh

                        receive-            deceive


From the words lettered A – D, choose the word that rhyme with the given word

  1. done          A. gone           B. pen              C. dawn          D. don
  2. shook         A. hoot            B. hook           C. roof             D. soak
  3. amend       A. rescind        B. abound       C. resent          D. depend
  4. pale            A. palm           B. abound       C. resent          D. depend


Countdown in English, pg 312.

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