Mathematics Notes

SS3 2nd Term Mathematics scheme of work




WEEK(S)        TOPIC

  1. Review of first term work: (i) Bonds and debentures (ii) Shares (iii) Rates  (iv)  Income tax and (v) Value added tax.
  2.  CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY OF STRAIGHT LINE:  Cartesian coordinate (ii) plotting the linear graph (iii) determine the distance between two coordinate points. (iv) Finding the mid-point of the line joining two point (v) practical application of coordinate geometry.(vi) Gradient and intercept of a straight line.
  3. COORDINATE GEOMETRY OF A STRAIGHT LINE CONTINEUS: (I) Define gradient and intercepts of a line. (ii) Find the angle between two intersecting straight lines (iii) Application of linear graphs to  real life student.
  4. DIFFERENTIATION OF ALGEBRAIC FUNCTION: (I) Meaning of differentiation/ derived function (ii) differentiation from first principle (iii) standard derivative of some basic functions.
  5. DIFFERENTIATION OF ALGEBRAIC FUNCTION CONTINEUS:  Rules of differentiation such as: (a) Sum and difference (b) Product rule (c) Quotient rule. (d) Application of real situation such as Maximal, Minima velocity, Acceleration and rate of change.
  6. INTEGRATION AND EVALUATION SIMPLE ALGEBRAIC FUNCTION:  (i) definition (ii) Method of integration: (a) substitution method (b) partial fraction method (c) part. (iii) Application of integration in calculating area under the curve (iv) Use of Simpson’s rule to find the area under the curve.

7-12.    Revision and Mock Examination.

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