The focus here is to see how uncountable nouns can be made countable. Countable nouns are those we can count, […]
An article is a piece of writing on any subject of public interest, specifically for publication in a magazine or […]
/∫/ This is a voiceless palato – alveola fricative consonant. It is realized when the tip of the tongue and […]
/Iə/ For this sound, the glide begins with a tongue position for /I/and moves in the direction of /ə/ Example: […]
Sequence of tenses is the principle which requires all the verbs in a sentence or a number of sentences to […]
In the first series, we saw the use of relative pronouns (who, whom, which, whose etc.). But this time, attention […]
Another aspect of Test of Orals which students must be very familiar with is rhyme. Rhyme occurs when words end […]
The principal sources of power, apart from our own bodies are: Animals: (horses, camels, donkeys, etc.) to ride on, to […]
It is important to realize that, when reading, the writer sometimes takes for granted that the reader knows something about […]
A diphthongs is a double quality vowel. It starts with one quality and ends with another. However, it still function […]