A forerunner is one who prepares the way for another person greater than himself. Before Jesus started his ministry, God sent John the Baptist as his forerunner. As the forerunner, John’s work was to prepare the minds of the people by preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. He called upon all the people to repent their sins. John told them that they should not think because they had Abraham as their father, they need no repentance. Everybody needs repentance and forgiveness of sins.
All the people who listened to John felt sorry for their sins. They confessed all their sins to John who then baptized them in the River Jordan. He dipped them into the water, and the water covered them. They rose out of the water as new people ready to live repentant lives. The people asked him what they should do.
John advised the ordinary people who were selfish and lacked love to show love and kindness to one another by sharing what they had with those who had none. The tax collectors asked him what they should do; he told them that they should not collect more than was legal. The soldiers who asked what they should he told them to stop their violent behavior and be gentle in dealing with people.
All the people then asked John whether he was the Christ, the Saviour. He told them that he was not. His work of a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins was to prepare their minds for the coming of the Saviour. The Saviour would baptize them with the Holy Spirit.

John the Baptist preaching baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sin
- What is the official title of the messenger sent to prepare the road for the coming of the Saviour
- Who came to prepare the minds of the people to understand Jesus and receive him?
- Where did John the Baptist baptize the people?
- Define a forerunner.
Sub-Topic 2: The Baptism of Jesus. Matt 3; 3-17, Mk 1: 9-11; LK 3: 21-22
The Baptism and temptation of Jesus constitute the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. When Jesus was about thirty years old, he heard from some travelers from Nazareth who had visited Judea that a man of God called John the Baptist was preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins in the River Jordan. Jesus was directed by the Holy Spirit to go to Jordan and be baptized by John the Baptist
When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming towards him, he immediately recognized him as the Messiah and Saviour. John the Baptist refused to baptize Jesus because he knew he had no sins to confess. He said to Jesus “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” But Jesus said “Let it be so now; for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness”. When Jesus had said this, John the Baptist agreed and baptized him. As Jesus was coming from the water, the heaven suddenly opened and he saw the spirit of God coming down like a dove and resting upon him. At the same time a voice was heard from heaven saying that Jesus was his beloved son, in whom he was well pleased. Baptism is one of our Sacraments as Christians.
Sub-Topic 3: The significance of Jesus Baptism.
- T o prepare Jesus for his ministry
- It is an act of identification with humanity
- It demonstrate his humility
- Fulfillment of all righteousness
- Jesus was confirmed as the Messiah
Moral Lessons:
- You must learn to prepare thoroughly for any task you are to perform such as preparation for your exams.
- When you grow up you must learn to identify with your people, by mixing with them.

John the Baptist baptizing Jesus Christ at river Jordan
- What is the official title of the messenger sent to prepare the road for the coming of Jesus? A. watchman b. forerunner c. bodyguard .(d) friend
- Where did Jesus come from to the Jordan River to be baptized by John the Baptist? (a). Judea (b). Samaria c. Galilee (d) Nazareth
- John the Baptist would come in the spirit and power of ……………… to prepare the minds of the people for the coming of the Messiah (a)Elisha (b)Elijah (c)Elkanah (d)Isaiah
- The prophet quoted by John the Baptist as the voice who cried was prophet (a) Amos (b) Elijah (c)Ezekiel (d)Isaiah
- Which of the following is related to baptism? (a). immersion b. conversion c. commission.(d) restitution
- John agreed to baptized Jesus because…
(a)Jesus had committed a secret sin (b) he was superior to Jesus (c)the scripture has to be fulfilled (d)Jesus needs cleansing
- During the baptism of Jesus Christ at river Jordan a voice from heaven testified the (a)confirmation of Jesus Christ (b) delight in the baptism (c)revelation of his righteousness (d)support for John’s ministry
- Which of the following statements was heard at the baptism of Jesus
(a)this is my first born in whom am well pleased. (b) this is my beloved son in whom I will deposit my powers. (c) this is my beloved so in whom I am well pleased listen to him. (d) this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased
Weekend Assignment:
- Describe the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness.
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