Christian Religious Studies JSSCE

The values of virginity before and after marriage – Bible

Let us look at the values of virginity before and after marriage as we can learn from the Bible. Premarital sex is defined as sex before marriage. Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ abstained from premarital sex and remained a virgin till she was betrothed to Joseph. This is one of the reasons God chose her.

The following are some of the values of being a virgin before and after marriage.

  1. It reassures the husband that the girl he is marring has never been wayward.
  2. He/She is free from STDs, HIV/AIDS.
  3. It gives the girl the confidence that she has none of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) before marriage.
  4. It prevents the girl from having unwanted pregnancy.
  5. She is free from Abortion and untimely death.
  6. He/She is free from guilt and bodily defilement before God and man.


  1. State five reasons you must remain a virgin until you marry
  2. Compare and contrast the visit of the wise men and the shepherds

Objective Questions

  1. The wise men from the East are commonly referred to as the (a)Astrologers (b)Astronomers (c)Magi(d) Sages(e)visitors
  2. When Jesus was born according to St. Luke’s gospel, the angel of the lord appeared to with good news to (a) King Herod and his men (b)the elders in the land of Judea (c) the chief Priest and the scribes (d) the shepherds in the field watching over their flock (e)the wise men
  3. One common thing in the visits of the wise men and the shepherd is the fact that the two groups (a) saw strange Stars (b) saw the Angel of the lord (c)came from the East (d)presented gifts (e) worshiped Jesus
  4. Keeping yourself pure before marriage will prevent you from (a)headaches (b)worship (c)unwanted pregnancy (d)schooling  (e)success
  5. One of the significance of the visit of the shepherd to baby Jesus is that  (a)Jesus will be a shepherd (b)Angel will be appearing to him (c)Jesus cares for the ordinary people (d)the shepherd are the most important people (e)the shepherd has been expecting Jesus

Weekend Assignment:

Read:  Matt. 13: 53-56; 12: 46-50

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