
Titration calculation 2

A titration calculation

The method for titration calculations is the one you have used for mole calculations already:

Write a balanced equation for the reaction.

Find the number of moles of the known substance.

Use the balanced equation to find the number of moles of the unknown substance.

Work out the mass, concentration or volume of the unknown.

The formula:


MA = Molarity of acid in mol/dm3

VA = Volume of the acid in cm3

MB = Molarity of base in mol/dm3

VB = Volume of the base in cm3

NA = Number of moles of acid

NB = Number of moles of base

Example 1: Calculate:

(a) the mass of anhydrous Na2CO3 present in 300cm3 of 0.1M

(b) the number of Na2CO3 particles present in the solution (Na = 23, C = 12, O = 16)


(a) Molarity of the Na2CO3 solution = 0.1 M

Molar mass of Na2CO3 = 23 x 2 + 12 + 16 x 3 = 106g/mol

Concentration (g/dm3) = Molarity x molar mass

0.1  x 106

= 10.6g/dm3

This means 1000cm3 of 0.1M solution contain 10.6g of Na2CO3

300cm3 of 0.1 M solution will contain: 300 x 10.6 / 1000

= 3.18g of Na2CO3

(b) Number of Na2CO3 particles = molarity x 6.02 x 1023

0.1 x 6.02 x 1023

= 0.602 x 1023

This means 1000cm3 of 0.1 M solution contain 0.602 x 1023 Na2CO3 particles

300cm3 of 0.1M solution contain

Example 2: 20.30cm3 of hydrochloric acid solution was titrated against 25cm3 of 0.1M sodium hydroxide solution. Calculate:

(i)   the concentration of the acid in mol/dm3

(ii)  the concentration of the acid in g/dm3


Equation of reaction

HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) ——–> NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)

1         :         1

(i) MA =?, MB = 0.1 M, VA = 20.30cm3, VB = 25cm3, NA = 1, NB = 1



MA = 0.1 x 25 x 1 / 20.30 x 1

MA = 0.123 mol/dm3

(ii)  Molarmass of Acid = 36.5 g/mol, Concentration of Acid in mol/dm3 = 0.123 mol/dm3

Concentration of Acid in  g/dm3 = Concentration of Acid in mol/dm3 x Molarmass

=  0.123 x 36.5

=  4.49 g/dm3

Assessment (Post your answer using the box below for evaluation and discussion)

Calculate the concentration of the solution if 25g of NaOH is dissolve in 500cm3 of water.

32.30cm3 of hydrochloric acid solution was titrated against 25cm3 of 0.2M sodium hydroxide solution. Calculate: a. the concentration of the acid in mol/dm3  b. the concentration of the acid in g/dm3

If 21.2 g of Calcium Trioxocarbonate were dissolved in 15 g of distilled water at 30oC, calculate the solubility of the solute in mol dm-3.

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