English JSSCE Notes

Comprehension: The Lorry Trip

Content: The Lorry Trip Page 79 – 80 The passage discusses a trip by a lorry and how some f […]

English JSSCE Notes

Past Tense Aspects

The past tense is used to show that an action was completed or done in the past. Examples:        He went […]

English JSSCE Notes

Consonant Contrast /p/ and /t/

Content: Consonant Contrast /p/ and /t/ /p/                                /t/ pit                                tip pat                               tap pip                               tip pot                               top part                              tart peep                             team […]

English JSSCE Notes

Present Tense Aspect and Formal Letter

Content: Present Tense Aspect        Tense is a term used in grammar to indicate the time of an action or event. […]

English JSSCE Notes

Review of Consonants /t, k, b, d, g/

Content: /p, t, k, b, d, g/ /p/                    /t/                     /k/                    /b/                    d/                     /g/ pin                   test                  cup                  brush               dim                  goat pit                    […]

English JSSCE Notes

Tense: Present, Past and Future tense

Tense occurs only in verbs. It refers to the change that takes place in the form of the verb to […]

English JSSCE Notes

Vowel  Contrast /әu/ and /au/

Vowel Contrast                         Content:         /әu/      and      /au/                                                 cloak                cloud                                                 boat                 bow                                                 crow                crowd                                                 load                 […]

English JSSCE Notes

Elements of Composition

Composition is also known as continuous writing which involves the use of a lot of sentences to express an idea, […]

English JSSCE Notes

Vocabulary development: Health

Health is the condition of a person’s body or mind. It is also the state of being physically and mentally […]

English JSSCE Notes

Comprehension: The Process of Growing Rice

Content: The Process of Growing Rice page 38 – 39 This passage discusses the process of growing rice. A nursery […]