MAIN AIM: to help the students understand the meaning of chemicals. SUBSIDIARY AIMS: By the end of the lesson, the […]
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Consumer Market And Society
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: The students have learnt about types of business organization . MAIN AIM: to help the students understand the […]
Tie- Dye
MEANING OF TIE-DYE Tie-dye is a textile craft in which areas of fabric not intended to be dyed is tied […]
CLASSIFICATION OF AFRICAN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CHORDOPHONES: African stringed instruments include harp like the Hausaguluna, lutes likegoje,molo,garaya, kukuma,gurmiharp, raft zither of […]
DEFINITION OF BEADWORK: Beadwork is a craft which involves the use ofcolourful beads and other materials and tools in making […]
MEANING OF FAKE AND ADULTERATED GOODS Fake and adulterated goods are goods or products made with the intention to be […]
Make -Up In Drama
MEANING OF MAKE-UP Make-up refers to cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to face which are used to enhance […]
MEANING OF CHOREOGRAPHY Choreography is the art or practice of designing sequences of movements of physical bodies in which motion, […]
Theories Of Music
DEFINITION: Key signature refers to any of several combinations of sharps and flats after the clef at the beginning of […]