Christian Religious Studies Notes

Christian Living in The Community

A community is a society where people live. Every Christian who lives in community should live as a child of God. Christians should distinguish themselves from others in all standards.

They should show good example to others. They must obey the rules and regulation of the Land. They must obey all constituted authority and b tolerant. They must be committed in carrying out their religious and     Civic responsibilities. They should relate well with others who are not of their religion in the society.

They are expected to demonstrate Christian virtues wherever they go to. They should make themselves available for God to use in the society by witnessing Jesus Christ to others, setting quarrels among people for peaceful coexistence  and giving to the needy.

For a Christian to be a true witness for Christ, he must live as a Christian in the society by showing love and humility to others. It is then that people an accept his message.

Paul advised Christians to work as Children of light by casting off the works of darkness like rioting, drunkenness, strife and envy.

Peter’s Message of Christian Living (1peter 2: 9-5)

St Peter in his letter referred to Christians as a chosen generation. Christians are therefore expected to live holy lives so that they can be acceptable to God.

Peter said, the conduct of Christian to their nation should manifest them as God’s chosen generation, royal priesthood and a holy nation. They were previously not people in the sight of God who had been called out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Previously, they had not received mercy. Therefore, they should not conform to the standard of the world.

Christians should desist from their former life of sin and become a changed person abstain from fleshy lusts. They should maintain good conduct among the non Christians, so that incase the people against them as wrong doers, they might see their good works and glorify God on the day of visitation. That is people should recognize their behavior as godly.

Significance Of Living A Life Of Witnessing To Christ

According to St Peter: Christians are God Chosen generation. As God’s chosen generation, we should therefore reflect in our daily living by avoiding the social vices. In our society such as examination malpractices, Fornication, Adultery, Abortion, Cheating, Fraud, Bribery, Smoking, drug addiction, Corruption, Partiality, tribalism and drunkenness.


  1. Define community and what should be our attitude as Christians living in a community?
  2. Describe Peter’s Message on Christian Living according to (1Peter 2: 9-5)
  3. Mention two Civic responsibilities a Christian should perform.

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