Civic Education Notes

Community Service

Community Service: This is the service we offer or render at free will. They are activities people engage in to develop their society and thereby make life better for themselves and other members of the society.

Community service which is an act of charity to others can be done individually or in group. A very good means through which the youths are made to engage in community development service in Nigeria is the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). NYSC was established by decree number 24 on 22nd May, 1973 by the then military head of state General Yakubu Gowon, shortly after the civil war that ended in the year 1970. General Yakubu Gowon established the NYSC as part of his policy of reconstruction, rehabilitation and reconciliation. With the NYSC scheme, corps members are posted to different states in Nigeria and they have participated in community development service through their various community development service (CDS) groups.


  1. Define community service.
  2. What was the aim of establishing NYSC?

Community service exists in various forms:

  1. Beautification of the environment.
  2. Cleaning of the environment .
  3. Cleaning drainages and buying waste basket.
  4. Voluntary work in orphanage homes.
  5. Tree planting.
  6. Hospital voluntary work.
  7. Donating of blood for accident victims.
  8. Joining vigilante group to provide security in your community.
  9. Providing assistance for the less privileged such as widows, orphans etc.
  10. Help the old people and the blind when crossing roads.


  1. It helps to promote national integration.
  2. It serves as platform to train leaders.
  3. With community service, a citizen is able to manifest his/her good values towards making other peoples’ life better.
  4. It improves national growth and development.
  5. It creates a sense of responsibility in individuals and the society at large.


  1. What is community service?
  2. Explain the importance of community service.


  1. Define community service.
  2. How can you engage in community services in your environment?
  3. What is integrity?
  4. Mention three qualities of a person with integrity.
  5. Define national integration.


Fundamentals of Civic Education for Senior Secondary Schools Book 3, Sola Akinyemi.


  1. National youth service corps was established in the year  (a) 1972  (b) 1973  (c) 1974
  2. The power of a state to govern itself without any form of external control is   (a) sovereignty  (b) power  (c) authority
  3. ________ is a constitution where all the rules and regulations that govern a state are contained in a single document (a) flexible constitution  (b) written constitution  (c) unwritten constitution
  4. What is the meaning of CDS?  (a) Community Development Service  (b) Community Development Syndrome  (c) Community Dedication Control
  5. The NYSC was established to _______ (a) foster unity  (b) eradicate togetherness  (c) disintegrate Nigeria


Explain five importance of community service in developing the society.

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