Christian Religious Studies JSSCE Notes

Consequences Of Disobedience


The Story of Cain and Abel

Adam and Eve bore two children –Cain and Abel. As they grew, they chose their vocations. Cain was a tiller of the ground (farmer) while Abel was a keeper of sheep (shepherd). In the course of time, Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground and Abel brought of the first things of his flocks and of their fat portions. The Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering God had no regard and Cain’s countenance fell because of this.(Gen 4:3 – 6)

God accepted and had respect for the offering of Abel. As of that of Cain, He had no regard. As a result, Cain grew annoyed and sought for an occasion to kill his brother. He tricked Abel to go out with him to the field. When they were in the field, Cain rushed at his brother-Abel and killed him in cold blood.

God was angry and asked Cain for his brother, Cain replied “Am I my brother’s keeper? God cursed him and commanded that:

  1. He ground was cursed for his sake and never to yield any seed for him.
  2. He would be a fugitive and a wanderer.
  3. God placed a mark on his forehead so that he would not be killed.

Since then, it appears that sin had been a vice inherited by all human beings. Another act of sin committed by man on earth was murder. It was the first recorded killing-The blood of man is precious before God. He “owns’ the blood, so to shed any human blood is an abhorrence.

As Adam, Eve and Cain received instant punishment for their actions of disobedience and murder so also every man will receive punishment for the sins committed


  1. Describe the job of Cain and Abel.
  2. Explain the reason for the enemity between Cain and Abel


  1. Describe the job of Cain and Abel.
  2. Explain the reason for the enmity between Cain and Abel.
  3. What do you think can be done to the problem of sin in the world today?
  4. Write one bible verse talking about sin.


Ilesanmi Christian Religious studies for JSS by 1 By TundeErumeubaetal

RSV Bible Read Gen 4:1-16


  1. Cain’s profession was that of _______ (a) a farmer (b) a shepherd (c) a carpenter.
  2. Human relationship is divided into  _______ types (a) one (b) three (c) Two
  3. ______is not an example of immediate family relationship (a) Husband and wife

(b) Parents and great grandchildren    (c) Brothers and sister.

  1. God placed ________on Cain so that he would not be killed (a) seal (b) mark (c) sign
  2. God had respect for the offering of Abel but for the offering of Cain, He had no __________(a) regard             (b) power        (c) strength


  1. What is Human Relationship?
  2. Discuss the character of Cain and Abel.


(a)        Saul’s Obedience I Sam. 10:1-16, 15:1-19

(b)        Consequences of Saul’s Disobedience 1 Sam. 15:20-25; 16:14-23; 31: 1-13

(c)        Lessons to Learn

(a)        Saul’s Obedience

One of the issues we raised in the previous topic was Israel’s decision to meet Samuel at Ramah for the purpose of giving them a king.  The Israelites had passed a vote of no confidence on his two sons. Samuel was displeased with such a request as it amounted to rejecting God.  However, after many prayer sessions, God finally led Samuel to select Saul, the son of Kish in a very rigorous selection process as the very first king of Israel.  Thus Samuel presented Saul to the people, anointed him with oil and kissed him.  To confirm that the Lord had actually anointed Saul prince over his people, He gave him three signs which he (Saul) would see when he left him.  The signs were:

  1. thattwo men would meet him by Rachel’s tomb and they would inform him that the ass he was seeking for had been found and that his father was anxious to see him.
  2. atthe plain of Tabor, he would meet three men on their way to Bethel to worship: One carrying three kids, another carrying three loaves of bread and another asking of wine.  They would greet him and give him three loaves of bread which he should accept.
  3. atthe hill of the Lord, he would meet a band of prophets coming down from the high place with harp tambourine, flute and lyre.  The spirit of the Lord will come mightily upon him.  He would prophesy with them and would be transformed.

Samuel instructed him to go to Gilgal and wait there for him as he would go there to offer sacrifice.  Thereafter, the spirit of God descended on Saul as he began defeating Israel’s enemies here and there.  Infact, I Samuel 10:9 says that “God gave Saul a new heart.”


  1. Describe how Saul was chosen as the first king of Israel.
  2. What were the signs, Saul was told to look out for to show that God had chosen him?

(b)        Saul’s Disobedience – I Sam. 10:1-16; 15:1-19

It was not long after Saul was crowned that he disobeyed God – an act which cost him his throne.  God had instructed Saul to wage war against Amalek and “utterly” destroy and not take home any war spoil (booties) or loot, but to utterly destroy everything.  As expected, God gave Saul victory over Amalek but rather than destroy everything as instructed, Saul decided to preserve the best animals, clothes and other precious things.  To make matter worse, Saul spared and brought home Agag, King of Amalek. Samuel challenged him. He lied to Samuel that he carried out God’s instructions to the letter, not knowing that God had revealed everything to Samuel.  Samuel rebuked him and pronounced God’s  judgement on him.

Consequences of Saul’s Disobedience – 1 Samuel 15:20-25, 16:14 – 23; 31:1-13

Samuel announced Saul’s rejection as king.

The spirit of God departed from him and an evil spirit came upon him.

Saul and his son Jonathan died in the war with Philistia.

Lessons to Learn

  1. The sin of one person can affect another – Saul died with his son.
  2. Once we fall out of God’s favour or once we sin, God cannot answer our prayers. Hence, Saul could no longer inquire from him after sinning.
  3. God hates lies.  We should learn to be truthful, accept our mistakes and pray for forgiveness.
  4. We should not shift our blame to others.
  5. Disobedience leads to disaster and death.


  1. Do you justify Saul’s reasons for disobeying God? Why?
  2. What two lessons can we learn from Saul’s disobedience?
  3. Describe Saul’s disobedience and its consequences
  4. “Pride Goes before a Fall”. Illustrate the significance of this statement with reference to Saul’s fall.


Essential Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1-3 by Edmond Ugochukwu.Pages 37- 40


1.   Who was Israel’s First King?

      (a) Samuel (b) David (c) Saul (d) Asa

2.   Saul’s death was mainly because of ________

      (a) greed (b) stubbornness (c) impatience (d) disobedience

3.   Saul disobeyed God during Israel’s war with the ________

      (a) Amalekites (b) Philistines (c) Moabites (d) Amorites

4.   The Amalekite king spared by Saul was _______

      (a) Neco (b) Sisera(c) Agag (d) Doeg

5.   Saul and his son were killed in a battle against______

      (a) Philistines (b) Amalek (c) Moab (d) Canaan


  1. Narrate two instances in which Saul disobeyed God and how he tried to cover up his sin.
  2. What two lessons, can Nigerian leaders learn from Saul’s disobedience?

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