Civic Education JSS Notes

Contentment: Attributes and Effects of lack of contentment

Contentment is the quality of being satisfied with what one has or the situation one finds himself while hoping and working towards a better function. A contentment person will not envy another person as he is satisfied with what he has. He’s humble disciplined.


1. SATISFACTION: A contented person is always satisfied with his possession. He would not be negatively pushed to act abnormally (ungodly) and indecent to get more riches or possession as he work hard for a better nature.

2. HATRED FOR CORRUPTION AND GREEDINESS: He will snub grab it all in all he does. He will earn only hoibrable and decent money not embezzling or taking bribes.

3. HUMILITY: A contented person is humble and does not drag or raise shoulders.

4. LACK OF ENVY: He is never enving those that are better than him through dubious ways. Rather he believed that with hard work and patience he will surely progresss in life.


Define contentment


Some of such problem that lack of contentment breeds in our society includes:

1. THEFT: Lack of contentment leads to stealing, a child that lack contentment will steal from his friend money in school in order to live and look like them.

2. PROSTITUTION: woman lacking contentment are easily lured into prostitution because she wants to acquire more jewelries, clothes, shoes and bags when her resources can not support these.

3. ENVY: The envious person would want to get rid of the rich one to have their wealth. He will go into social line kidnapping and assassination.

4. Corruption

5. Greed

6. Robbery

7. Cheating


Mention five consequences of lack of contentment on society

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