Setting Drawing Paper on the Board
Step 1: The drawing board is conveniently placed on the table with the paper on the board, leaving equal size all rounds, with the Tee-square edge to the left hand side.
Step 2: Place the tee-square on the paper and gently move or slide the tee-square to the top edge of the paper. Set the top edge of the paper parallel to the edge of the tee-square with the stock of the tee-square firmly against the edge of the drawing board on the left-hand side.
Step 3: Hold the paper with four pieces of adhesive tape or two metal clips to hold the paper in position at four corners.
Step 4: Gently slide the tee-square down without moving the paper.
Sharpening of Drawing Pencils to Conical Point and Knife Edge
A well sharpened pencil is very essential to technical drawing. Pencils for lettering and freehand sketching should be sharpened to a ‘conical point’ while those for geometrical or engineering drawing should be sharpened to a ‘chisel point’.
All horizontal lines are drawn with the aid of tee-square. The set-square is used sitting squarely on the tee-square to draw vertical lines.
The Instruments Required for Good Board Practice
The instruments required for good board practice are:
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