
Diseases Of Agricultural Importance

A disease is defined as a deviation from the normal state of health presenting marked symptoms or outward visible signs. Diseases are group into:

i.Viral diseases: These are diseases of plant or animal caused by viruses. Examples of viral diseases in animals are foot and mouth diseases, Rinder pest and Newcastle. In plant, tobacco mosaic disease.

Ii .Bacterial disease: These are disease of plant or animal caused by bacteria. Examples of bacterial diseases of animal are Anthrax, Brucellosis and Tuberculosis. Example of bacterial disease of plant blight

iii. Fungi diseases: These are diseases of plant animals caused by different species of fungi. Examples are aspergilosis, ringworm, smut, rice blast, black pod disease of cocoa.

iv.Protozoa diseases of animal: These are the disease of farm animals caused by single- celled organisms such as Trypanosoma, Babesia Spp. The diseases include trypanosomiasis, Red water disease (piroplasmosis)

  General effect of Diseases

  1. Disease reduces the yield and productivity both in plant and animal
  2. Disease reduces the quality of crop and animal

iii.        They cause malformation in plant and animal

  1. They can kill or cause the death of the organism
  2. They cause reduction in the income of the farmer
  3. They increase the cause of production in the course of controlling them

vii.       They render both crops and animal unattractive and unmarketable

viii.      The activities of disease cause retarded growth both in crop and animals

             General Control of Diseases

  1. Clearing breeding grounds of the animas
  2. Application of chemicals which ae available in different forms

iii.        Application of vaccines to induce immunity

  1. Good sanitation which helps to keep some of the parasite away
  2. Good feeding will ensures resistance to some parasite, hence animals should be adequately fed.
  3. Isolation of new stocks to ensure that they are free form infection

vii.       In case of cattle, practice rotational gracing

viii.      Changing animal beddings regularly

  1. Employing the service of vetenary staff to check animal regularly



  1. Which of these is the odd one out? (a) bat     (b) shark      (c) rat      (d) whale
  2. Angiosperm and Gymnosperms belong to the class (a) schizophyta      (b)           pteridophyta

(c) spermatophyte     (d) bryophyte

  1. A distinguishing feature of mammals is the possession of (a) scale    (b) skin    (c) hair    (d) nail
  2. Insects and millipede have many features in common except (a) exoskeleton   (b) jointed

(c) compound eyes    (d) segmented body

  1. Make a labelled drawing of the lateral views of a fish
  2. State five structural differences between class pisces and class mammalian
  3. In a tabular form, state 5 differences between monocotyledons and cotyledons plant

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