
Diseases of the Liver

  1. Infections Hepatitis (or viral hepatitis)- This disease is caused by virus. Faces of infected person many be carried to source of drinking water or food or palm wine. It may also be transmitted by transfusion of blood of an infected person to an uninfected person .Both forms of disease cause inflammation and destruction of liver cell if not treated.


  1. Loss of appetite, nausea, weakness, fever, head ache ,diarrhea, abdominal, discomfort, pain, yellow eyes, and skin


  1. Fruit and vegetable must be properly washed with clean water.
  2. Drinking water must be boiled with filter.
  3. Faces of an infected person must be buried deeply or burnt.
  4. Flies should not be allowed to perch on food.
  5. An infected person should have complete bed rest.
  6. An infected must around protein foods such as meat, egg fish and groundnut.
  7. Constant consumption of sugary foods such as glucose, sugar can pineapple and bread must be avoided.
  8. Drink plenty of water.
  9. See a medical doctor.
  1. Gall stone

This diseases is caused by over concentration of bile thus preventing its flow. This leads to crystallization of cholesterol in the bile to form stone. The stone may block the bile duct, this stops the flowing  of bile .It also cause high concentration of bilirubin in the blood, tissue and bile which  will result in overweight.


1.Abnormal pains , chills and fever

2.Skin and eyes turn yellow due to the concentration of bilirubin in the blood and tissues.

3.Its may lead to cancer of the liver


  1. Drink sufficient water or fruit juice

ii.Reduce consumption of food containing cholesterol

iiiAvoid overweight

iv.See a medical doctor

v.Gall stones can be removed by oral administration of a bile acid or by sugar in  case of large stone

  1. Sugar in case of large stone

3.Cirrhosis of the liver

This disease is believed to be caused by excessive drinking of alcohol over a prolonged period, as well as by hepatitis. it is a serious liver disease in which the cell of the liver are damaged and became useless fibrous tissue which deprive

the liver of its function.


  1. General weakness of the body.
  2. Loss of appetite.


  1. Avoidance of alcoholic drinking
  2. Sugary may be done on the patient

iii.      Liver transplant may be done

4.Cancer on the liver

It is the abnormal outgrowth or uncontrollable swelling of cell which do not retain the normal function of the tissues in which they arise. This continuous outgrowth eventually    will prevent the liver from performing its normal role.


  1. It leads to general weakness
  2. The body is exhorted


  1. i. The cancers cell may be destroyed using radiotherapy or chemotherapy
  2. Sugary boon be done to sure the situation if detected early in life

iii.      Liver transplant may be done

  1. Amoeba liver abscess

The parasitic amoeba (Entamoeba histolytica) which causes amoeba dysentery is also responsible for this infection. The parasite gets into the liver from large intestine via the hepatic portal vein. It produces an enzyme that destroys liver tissue and cause an abscess to form. Abscess is an inflamed swelling containing pus .

  1. Diabetes mellitus

The disease is caused as a result of the inability of the liver cell to convert excess glucose in the blood to glycogen due to the failure of the pancreas is produce a hormone insulin, therefore excess sugar left in the blood and lost through  


  1. It result is continuous dehydration
  2. It may cause exhaustion or muscular weakness

iii.      It may lead to blurred vision

  1. It leads to lost of weight


  1. Drug therapy
  2. Carbohydrate should be avoided


i)Which of the following is not a function of the liver  ?(a)protein (b) heat production (c)  detoxication  (d)emancipation of cell

ii)The largest internal organ of the body is  (a) lungs (b)liver (c) kidney  (d) skin

iii) Which of the following mammalian organs is not involves in homeostasis? (a) tongue (b)liver (c)kidney  (d)skin

iv)Which of the following is not  a disease of the kidney? (a) hepatitis (b)nephritis (c) diuress (d) oedema

v)The maintenance of a steady internal environment in human is (a) internal control (b) temperature control (c) coordination (d) homeostasis.


  1. i) Explain why the kidney is referred to as osmoregulatory organ

ii)Mention any five liver  disease and  explain any two of them

iii)Outline the functions of the liver and  explain any two of them.

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