Physical and Health Education

Domestic accident and how to prevent it

These are accidents that occur in the home, surrounding and neighborhood. Home accidents are usually minor, but could be fatal in some cases. Most of the accidents from home are in form of cuts, falls, poison, scalds and sprains. Home accidents are common among young children and the aged.

Causes of home accidents

  • Poor lighting
  • Poor ventilation
  • Ignorance or lack of awareness
  • Haste
  • Tiredness
  • Slippery floor
  • Defective house hood utensils
  • Poor home design
  • Congestion/poor property arrangement

Prevention of home accidents

  • Discard defective house hold utensils.
  • Good structural design
  • Clean environment
  • Take adequate rest when necessary
  • Avoid being in haste
  • Always maintain proper at home
  • Always keep drugs and other dangerous materials out of reach of children
  • Avoid slippery floor

School Accidents

School accidents are accidents that occur within the school compound in area like laboratory, the field, gymnasium, classroom, school farm, canteen, play grounds and halls. They occur mostly to school children and other school workers. School accidents are seldom fatal but may result in serious injury. The accident occurs in form of falls, cuts, burns from corrosive chemicals, sprains, strains, dislocation and fractures.

Causes of school accidents

  • Lack of skill
  • Ignorance
  • Poor ventilation
  • Negligence
  • Carelessness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Improper use of equipment and machines
  • Dilapidated building /damaged facilities
  • Slippery play ground

Prevention of school accidents

  • Good mastery of skills
  • Proper use of machines and equipment
  • Clean environment/safe playground
  • Prompt placement of facilities equipment and machines.
  • Good supervision/accurate instruction
  • Adequate facility and equipment
  • Orderliness in furniture and sitting arrangement
  • Proper arrangements of laboratory with laboratory attendants

Transportation accidents

  • Poor condition of engine
  • Over speeding
  • Lack of concentration
  • Sudden loss of contact
  • Poor weather condition
  • Carelessness Haste
  • Lack of road/ route signs
  • Sudden mechanical break down
  • Dangerous over taking

Prevention of Road accidents

  • Avoid over confidence
  • Take adequate rest when necessary
  • Adequate enlightenment for drivers
  • Avoid being in a hurry or over speeding
  • The use of safety devices should be encouraged
  • Compliance to traffic rules and regulations
  • Avoiding driving or piloting under the influence of drugs
  • Avoid unnecessary distraction
  • Road or route sings should be appropriately placed
  • Ensure accurate communication system

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