Driving tools are tools used for pushing in nails, screws into position. Examples are:
Hammers: Hammers have two distinct parts, the handle and the head. While the handle can be made of wood or metallic material, the head is always made of high carbon steel. The hammer is classified according to the type of head, hence we have:
Ball peen, straight peen, cross peen and planishing hammer

Mallets: This is a soft hammer whose head is made of soft material like synthetic rubber to prevent the head from damaging the surface of the work piece.

Punches: These are used for producing holes on thin sheets of metal, to mark holes for drilling and to remove rivet. Examples are: centre or dot punch, and pin punch for marking drill points.

Screw Drivers: These are used for driving screw into or out of structural members. Examples are flat screw drivers, star screw drivers, allen key, off-set screwdriver.

Cutting Tools
Definition of Cutting Tools
These are tools used for cutting piece of metals in the workshop. Examples: chisels, files scrapers and saws.
Chisels: Chisels are chipping tools for shaping metals, where finishing by other means, such as filing, cannot be carried out. The common ones are: flat chisel, cross-cut chisel, round nose chisel, diamond chisel.

Scrapers: These look like file but they don’t have teeth. They are used for removing slight irregularities from flat surface

Saws: Hacksaws are used for cutting metals. The blade may be adjusted by the user so as to cut in the sideways direction. Piercing saw is ideal for cutting curves; brass back saw is useful when working on soft metal.

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