Marking Out Tools
These are hand tools used for marking out the required shapes of a particular metal from the sheet metal before cutting in the metal workshop. Examples are:
(i) Surface plate: for checking the alignment and flatness of the object.
(ii) Surface table: This is used for marking out large objects, for checking accuracy, for height alignment and checking parallelism.

(v) Dot punch: This is smaller in shape and is used to mark or dot on scribed lines.
(vi) Trammel: This is used for marking out large diameter, where compass cannot serve.
(vii) Marking gauge: This is re-adjustable. It is used for marking specific lines along and across the grains of the wood.
(viii) Odd-leg caliper (Jenny’s Caliper): This is used for marking out lines parallel to an edge. It is also used for finding the centre of a round bar.
(ix) Mortise gauge: This is used for marking out two parallel lines at a time.

Measuring Tools and Gauge
These are tools used as testing and setting out tools. They are:
(i) Steel rule: Made from carbon steel, used for measuring lengths.

(ii) Folding rule: Used to measure length.

(iii) Micrometer screw gauge: Used for measuring small thickness (diameter) to a high degree of accuracy

(iv) Inside caliper: Used for measuring the internal diameter of an object.

(v) Outside caliper: Used for measuring the external diameter of an object

(vi) Vernier caliper: For measuring both internal and external dimension of an object

(vii) Centre square: For checking angles of 450 and 900

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