Christian Religious Studies JSSCE Notes

Jesus Christ Prepares For His Life’s Ministry


  • The Forerunner of Jesus Christ   Mk 1:1-8, LK3:1-20
  • The Baptism of Jesus Christ Matt 3:3-17, Mk1: 9-21, LK3:21-22
  • The Significance of the Baptism and Moral Lesson



A Forerunner is the messenger sent to prepare the road for the coming of the chief one. Thus, the forerunner of Jesus was John the Baptist. He came to prepare the minds of the people to understand Jesus and receive him.


John the Baptist was the fore runner of Jesus Christ. He was born by Zachariah and Elizabeth. They lived in Jerusalem in the days of king Herod of Judea. Zachariah was a Priest and his wife was barren for many years. While in the temple one day, angel Gabriel from the Lord appeared to him, and told him that his wife was going to bear a son. He said the child shall be great; his name shall be called John and must not drink strong wine. Zachariah doubted this message and he was made dumb until later the child was born. Elizabeth later conceived and bore a male child, on the eighth day, the family of Zachariah wanted to name the child Zachariah after   his father; but the mother said No. they asked the father to write his name and he wrote the name John on the slate. Immediately his tongue was loosed, and he spoke. There was great rejoicing that day.

The lessons:

  1. We should not doubt God,
  2. With God all things are possible and that we should have faith in God


John started his mission by calling on the people to repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. He was preaching in the wilderness, he wore .a garment of Carmel’s hair and a leather girdle around his waist. His food was locust and wild honey. People went to him from all parts of Jerusalem, Judea and Jordan.

They confessed their sins and were baptized by him in River Jordan. He referred to many of the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to him as “brood of vipers”. He preached to them and many were baptized. He told them that someone was coming after him whose sandal he was not worthy to carry and who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire.       

John told them to do things that would show that they had turned from their sins, instead of assuming that God would save them because they were Abraham’s descendants. The people asked him what they should do. He told them that anyone with two shirts should give one to the man that had none; and anyone who had food should share with those who did not have.

As the people were thinking whether John was the Christ, He told them that, he who was coming after him was greater than he was and that he was not good enough to untie his sandals. He was only baptizing them with water but that one would baptise them with the Holy Spiritand fire.


  1. What was Isaiah’s prophecy about the birth of Christ?

      2.     What was the message of the fore runner?

BAPTISM OF JESUS Matt 3: 13-17

Jesus Christ came from Galilee to river Jordan to be baptized by John, and Jesus said he should allow it to be so, to fulfill all righteousness.

When Jesus was dipped in water and baptized, the heavens opened and the spirit of God came upon him like a dove and a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased”. The lesson we learn from Christ here is that we should be humble, should be a good example in school, home and society


Give account of Jesus’ baptism.


  1. It confirms the son ship of Jesus’ Christ.
  2. It signifies the beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth.
  3. It presented Jesus as the expected Messiah.
  4. Jesus demonstrated himself as a humble Messiah, because he accepted to be baptized by John even when he has no sin to confess.


  1. What is baptism?
  2. State the significance of the voice from heaven during the baptism of Jesus.
  3. How do you know that man is an image of God?
  4. Explain how human beings can be said to create.


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  • RSV Bible read Matt 3: 3-17; 4:1-11


  1. Jesus came from _____ to be baptized (a) Galilee (b) Nazareth (c) Jordan (d) Jericho
  2. Jesus was baptized in river _____ (a) Nile (b) Jordan (c) Taraba (d) Tekoa
  3. Jesus fasted for ____ days and night (a) 40 (b) 30 (c) 20 (d) 70
  4. The father of John the Baptist was____. (a) Nehemiah (b) Heber (c) Jonash

(d) Zachariah

  1. John was preaching in the_____. (a) forest (b) bush (c) wilderness (d)neighbourhood


  1. Describe the baptism of Jesus.
  2. State the significance of Jesus’ baptism.

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