English JSSCE Notes

Making Request and Commands

Requests are usually expressed by using please.

e.g.      Please, lend me your pencil.

Don’t be angry, please.

            It may also be expressed by will/can + infinitive with or without please.

Examples:        Will you pass the salt, please?

                        Will you pass the salt?

                        Can you hold this for me , please?

                        Can you hold this for me?

Using would/ could instead of will/can is more polite.

Examples:        Would you pass the salt (please)?

                        Could you hold this for me (please)?

            Other requests are:

            Would you be kind enough to show me the way?

            I wonder if you could lend me your umbrella.


They are used to express an order. There are positive and negative commands. E.g

            Positive Commands

            Go home.

            Touch it.

            Shut the door.

            You are to wait here until I return.

            Will you shut up?

            Negative Commands

            Don’t go home.

            Don’t touch it.

            Do not shut the door.

            Don’t you touch it.

Evaluation: Practice 2 Effective English JS 2 page 95.

Reading Assignment: Effective English JS 2 page 94 – 95

  1. Topic: Writing

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