
Phrasal verbs


CONTENT: Some words that are associated with technology are: invention, industry, factory, communication, pollution, machine, fume, automobile, computer, robot, traffic, industry revolution, technician, install, metro-line, high- precision, space craft, astronauts, satellite, mast, electronic, telephone, missile, discoveries.

EVAULATION: write out ten things in the school that deals with the use of technology.

ASSIGNMENT: write out 10 words with meaning words associated with technology.


Phrases are group of words having incomplete meaning sometimes work as preposition. The phrasal verbs are types of compound verbs made up of a simple verb and adverbial particle. E.g. take off, a preposition e.g. go with, or the combination of both an adverbial particle and a preposition. E.g. make up to for its phrasal form.

Phrasal verbs and idioms have meanings different from the literal.


PHRASAL VERB: Ask in – invite somebody into the room. E.g. I asked the guests in and offered them seats.

PHRASAL VERB: Ask for – ask to speak to, request, and demand e.g. I asked for the principal of the college.

BACK AWAY – Step or back away slowly. E.g. when Amaka saw a snake in the garden she backed away in fear.

CALL UP: – summon for a military service telephone .e.g. the government called up the young men to join the army.

DO AWAY WITH- ABOLISH e.g. We must do away with the dowry system in marriages.

FALL THROUGH- FAIL TO MATERIALIZE e.g All my schemes fell through for want of money.

WINK AT­- ignore purposely pretend not to notice. E.g. susan winked at her studies and went to sleep.

MOST POLITICIANS Wink at poverty in developing COUNTRIES.

IDIOMS add beauty and charm to any language. English is rich in idioms.

A few of them are listed with their meaning and usage.

  1. A BIG GUN- A person of great importance. E.g. Dangote is a big gun in Nigeria
  2. A BLACK SHEEP- an evil person. E.g. we should be aware of black sheep in society.
  3. A BEAST OF PREY- A beast that lives by killing and eating other animals. E.g. the tiger is a beast of prey.
  4. APPLE PIE ORDER-: Neat and clean. E.g. you must arrange the books in apple pie order.
  5. A BLUE STOCKING-: A lady who pretends to have literary taste. E.g. Lola is a blue stocking.
  6. A CHICKEN HEARTED FELLOW-: A cowardly person. E.g. My friend is a chicken hearted fellow.
  7. A MAN OF PARTS-: A man of extraordinary qualities. E.g. the former president was a man of parts.
  8. A SERPENT IN THE EGG-: In the initial stage. E.g. terrorism is harmful to national integration, we should terminate the serpent in the egg.
  9. AN IRON WILL-: A strong will e.g. ply mother is a woman of iron will
  10. HUSH MONEY-: BRIBE g. he got a job by paying hush money
  11. A HENPECKED HUSBAND-: A husband who is under the control of his wife.
  12. A GALA DAY-: An important day. E.g. 1st October is a gala day in Nigerian history.
  13. A FAIR WEATHER FRIEND-: A false friend. E.g. it is a foolish thing to depend on a fair weather friend.
  14. THE FAG END-: THE CLOSE g. we are at the fag end of poverty.
  15. A MAN OF STRAW-: An important person. E.g. No one respects my cousin because he is a man of straw.
  16. THE OLIVE BRANCH-: an officer of peace. E.g. Nigeria is always willing to offer the olive branch to her neighbours.
  17. A WHILE ELEPHANT-: A very expensive thing which proves to be a burden. E.g A journey by air is a white elephant for a poor man.
  18. A WET BLANKET-: A person who discourages. E.g. my friends is a wet blanket, he discourages me in everything.
  19. TO CRY FOR THE MOON-: To desire for what is impossible. E.g. my desire to marry Titi is nothing but crying for the moon.
  20. TO CHEW THE END-: To meditate on an idea. E.g. he chew the end of overcoming his poverty.
  21. TO BE TRUE TO ONE’S SALT-: to prove faithful. E.g. she is true to her salt and served him sincerely for ten years.
  22. TO BE LIKE A FISH OUT OF WATER-: to be in a difficult situation. E.g I felt like a fish out of water in America.
  23. TO CRY OVER SPLIT MILK-: to regret for a past loss. E.g. it is really a foolish thing to cry over spilt milk.
  24. TO EAT THE HUMBLE PIE-: To pocket an insult. E.g. when I failed in the exam, I had to eat
  25. BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA-: Between two dangers. E.g. she was to either endure his brutality or discontinue her studies, so she is in between the devil and the deep sea.
  26. A BOLT FROM THE BLUE-: an unexpected misfortune. E.g. Victoria’s death was a bolt from the blue to me.
  27. A WILD GOOSE CHASE-: A foolish attempt. E.g. her desire to settle down in America is a wild goose chase for funmi.
  28. A CLEAN STATE-: A fresh beginning. E.g. she started with a clean slate in teaching.
  29. A BULL IN A CHINA SHOP-: An unnecessary person or evil. E.g. Amina is a bull in a china shop because she creates tension among us with her auguments.
  30. A TALL TALK-: A boatsful talk .e.g. I am not convinced of his tall talk because there is no truth in it.

EVALUATION: Give the meaning of these idiom

  1. Cog in the machine
  2. A slow coach
  3. A sword of Damocles
  4. Penelope’s web
  5. A storm in a tea cup.


  2. WIND UP

SPEECH WORK: TOPIC: COMPARISM OF /ts/ and /s/, /dз/ and/ tз/

The following sounds are consonant sounds. The /s/ is called the Alveolar sound because it is produced when the tip of the tongue is pressed against the upper teeth ridge. The sound is produced by making the air to escape and produce a sort of hiss.

Examples -: sack, size soft, swan, bus, site gospel, sow case, snail, dance, hiss, scent, circle, Centre, peace.

/tЅ/ and /Ѕ/-: these sounds are called the palate-alveolar. The palate-alveolar sound is produced by pressing the tip of the tongue against the upper teeth ridge, and at the same time raising the body of the tongue towards the roof of the hard palate. The /ts/ is called palate-alveolar affricates because it sound somewhat like fricative and it also resemble plosives though the separation between the tongue and the teeth ridge is less sudden while /s/ is called palate-alveolar fricatives because it is produced between the tongue and the teeth ridge and the hard palate with an accompanying hissing sound similar to how /f/ and /v/ are produced.

Examples are:

/ts/ – capture, actual, chief, chew, chair, chip, rich, catch, match, punctual, question, cheat, cheese, batch, etc

/s/ – shop, shake, gnash, cash, shell, sugar, ensure, special, shape, she, shoe, shine, wash, bush


/ts/                                        /s/                                          /ts/                                        /dз/

Chop                                     shop                                      cheer                                    jeer

Cheer                                    sheer                                    chest                                     jest

Cheap                                   sheep                                   chin                                        gin

Chin                                       shin                                        chill                                        gill

Chip                                       ship                                        chain                                     jane

Chair                                      share                                     choke                                    joke

Chew                                    shoe                                      cherry                                   jerry

Choose                                 shoes                                    rich                                         ridge

Chief                                     sheaf                                     larch                                      large

Cheat                                    sheet                                    batch                                     badge

ASSIGNMENT: give five examples each for these sounds /s/ /ts/ and /s/

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