Physical fitness is the ability of an individual to carry out his or her daily activities without undue or unnecessary fatigue or tiredness and still have enough energy for any emergency.
Physical fitness is all about one’s physical capacity to do any physical task or activity. Physical fitness is thus an aspect of total fitness.
Meaning of Body Conditioning
Body conditioning is engaging the body in regular and carefully selected physical activities to promote physical fitness and health.
Benefits Derived from Physical Fitness Exercises
(i) It aids circulation of blood.
(ii) It improves the heart regulating mechanism.
(iii) It strengthens the heart.
(iv) It relieves internal congestion.
(v) It aids relaxation rest and sleep.
(vi) It aids flexibility at the joint.
(vii) It promotes endurance.
Health Related Benefits Derived from Physical Fitness Exercises
(i) Flexibility.
(ii) Resistance.
(iii) Body composition.
(iv) Cardiovascular endurance
(v) Muscular endurance.
(vi) Muscular strength.
(vii) Power.
(viii) Good posture.
(ix) Aesthetic values and positive self image.
(x) Longevity.
Performance Related Benefits Derived from Physical Fitness Exercises
(i) Coordination.
(ii) Agility (quick movements).
(iii) Balance.
(iv) Fast reaction time.
(v) Speed.
(vi) Accuracy.
(vii) High productivity.
- Define physical fitness
- State five benefits derived from physical fitness exercises.
- Mention five health related benefits derived from physical fitness exercises.
- Enumerate five performance related benefits derived from physical fitness exercises.
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