This explains the predicted ratio or chances of having a particular trait or character in a cross or transmission from generation to another. This explains the predicted ratio of 3:1 for monohybrid cross and 9:3:3:1 for dihybrid cross.

Probability is usually expressed in units ranging from 0-1. Two principles are necessary is understand the importance or probability in genetics.
- The result of one
trial of a chanced event does not affect the result of latter traits of the event
- The chance that two independent events will occur together simultaneously is the product of their chances of occurring separate question
In a plant of genotype Tt, what is the probability that a gamete will contain gene t?

Question (Use the comment box to answer for evaluation and discussion)
An albino man marries a normal woman (homozygous) for skin pigmentation). What is the probability the couple could have an albino child?
Gene for albinism = aa
Gene for the Normal pigmentation = AA
(1) In a cross involving a heterozygous red flowered plant (Rr) and a white flowered plant (rr), what is the probability that the offspring will be (Rr)?
- What is the probability that two consecutive children of the same parent will be males?
- In human beings, the albino trait is recessive is the probability of parents who are heterozygous for albinism having an albino child?
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