Resource use efficiency in cassava production under the appeal programme in kogi state

All QuestionsResource use efficiency in cassava production under the appeal programme in kogi state
Iorfa Godwin asked 1 year ago

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1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 1 year ago

Resource use efficiency is an important aspect of agricultural production that can have a significant impact on the profitability and sustainability of farming systems. The Agricultural Transformation Agenda Support Programme Phase One (ATASP-1) which has a component known as the Agricultural Productivity Enhancement and Livelihood Improvement Support (APPEALS) is a programme that seeks to enhance agricultural productivity, promote value addition and increase the income of smallholder farmers in Nigeria.
Cassava is an important crop in Nigeria, and the APPEALS programme has been implemented in Kogi state to improve the productivity and profitability of cassava farming. The programme aims to promote the adoption of improved technologies and practices, including the use of high-yielding varieties, improved planting materials, and good agronomic practices such as proper land preparation, timely planting, and weed control.
Efficient use of resources is critical for the success of cassava production under the APPEALS programme in Kogi state. Farmers need to optimize the use of inputs such as fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides, while also minimizing waste and reducing the negative environmental impact of farming practices.
To achieve resource use efficiency, the APPEALS programme has provided training to farmers on best practices for cassava production, including the use of appropriate planting materials, nutrient management, and pest and disease control. The programme has also provided support for the development and dissemination of improved cassava varieties and the establishment of demonstration plots to showcase best practices to farmers.
In addition, the programme has supported the development of value chains for cassava, including the establishment of cassava processing centers and the promotion of value-added products such as cassava flour and chips. This has helped to increase the profitability of cassava farming and reduce post-harvest losses.
Overall, the APPEALS programme has been successful in improving the productivity and profitability of cassava farming in Kogi state by promoting the efficient use of resources and the adoption of improved technologies and practices. By enhancing the income of smallholder farmers, the programme has also contributed to poverty reduction and improved livelihoods in rural communities.

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