State short note on plosmolysis, haemolosis, and flaccidity in biology

All QuestionsCategory: Secondary SchoolState short note on plosmolysis, haemolosis, and flaccidity in biology
Nwanah Ebube asked 1 year ago

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1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 1 year ago

Plasmolysis, Hemolysis, and Flaccidity are three important concepts in biology related to the behavior and changes in cells and tissues. Here’s a short note on each of these terms:

  1. Plasmolysis: Plasmolysis refers to the shrinking or contraction of the cytoplasm of a plant cell away from the cell wall due to the loss of water. This occurs when a plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, where the solute concentration outside the cell is higher than inside. As a result, water moves out of the cell through osmosis, causing the cell membrane to detach from the cell wall. Plasmolysis can lead to wilting and loss of turgidity in plants.
  2. Hemolysis: Hemolysis is the rupturing or destruction of red blood cells, leading to the release of hemoglobin into the surrounding fluid. It occurs when red blood cells are exposed to a hypotonic solution, where the solute concentration outside the cell is lower than inside. In this condition, water enters the cell through osmosis, causing the cell to swell and eventually burst. Hemolysis can occur in various situations, such as in certain diseases, due to toxins, or during incompatible blood transfusions.
  3. Flaccidity: Flaccidity refers to the loss of turgidity or firmness in plant cells, resulting in a wilted appearance. It occurs when there is a loss of water from the plant cells, usually due to insufficient water uptake, excessive transpiration, or a water deficit in the environment. When plant cells lose water, they become flaccid, causing the plant tissues to become limp and wilted. Flaccidity can be reversible if water is provided to the plant, allowing the cells to regain their turgor pressure and become firm again.

These concepts of plasmolysis, hemolysis, and flaccidity are important in understanding the behavior and responses of cells and tissues in different biological contexts. They provide insights into the effects of osmotic imbalances, water movement, and turgor pressure on cellular structures and the overall physiology of organisms.

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