The movement of disilusion of angry young men in society is

All QuestionsCategory: Secondary SchoolThe movement of disilusion of angry young men in society is
Adejokun temitope asked 1 year ago

The movement of disilusion of angry young men in society is

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1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 1 year ago

The movement of disillusioned angry young men in society refers to a cultural and social phenomenon that emerged in the mid-20th century in the United Kingdom. It was a response to the social and economic changes that occurred after World War II, particularly the decline of traditional industries and the rise of a new consumer culture.
The term “angry young men” was coined by British playwright John Osborne to describe a group of writers, actors, and artists who rebelled against the established social norms and cultural values of their time. These men were often from working-class backgrounds and felt marginalized by the social and economic changes of the post-war period.
The movement was characterized by a sense of disillusionment, frustration, and anger towards the established cultural institutions and social hierarchies. The works of the angry young men often portrayed the struggles and frustrations of working-class life, as well as the hypocrisy and corruption of the upper classes.
The movement had a significant impact on British society, as it challenged the traditional cultural and social values of the time and paved the way for greater social mobility and cultural diversity. It also influenced the development of the British New Wave cinema, which explored similar themes and issues.
Overall, the movement of disillusioned angry young men in society was a significant cultural and social phenomenon that emerged in response to the social and economic changes of the post-war period in the United Kingdom.

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