Theatre for development

All QuestionsCategory: OtherTheatre for development
Alaleyo abosede asked 3 years ago
  • How can the approach of theater by the people be used to bring a positive change in a community that is almost pervaded by drug addicts


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1 Answers
Loveth answered 3 years ago

Many sensitive issues, which may be too delicate or dangerous to discuss openly, can be explored through the use of drama. Playing the role of a different character allows people to say things that would not be possible in their own voices. Humour can sometimes help to share difficult or sensitive issues in ways that do not cause offence. 
People do not have to base theatre around their present situation. Other situations or different cultural settings can be imagined. 
Theatre can sometimes provide several alternatives in the story with their resulting consequences, rather than providing any one definite solution. This can encourage people to think through the alternatives and consider how they, personally, would respond. 
Give careful thought about how to involve the audience. Could they be involved:

  • as other actors?
  • as participants in the debate?
  • through follow-up activities and discussion? 

Sustainability in the use of theatre is very important, once outside facilitators leave. Wherever possible, people within the community should be identified who can be trained in facilitation skills to enable the process to be continued by the community without outside help. 

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