What is Digitization of computer?

All QuestionsCategory: Secondary SchoolWhat is Digitization of computer?
Christian asked 1 year ago

Digitalization of computers

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1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 1 year ago

Digitization of a computer refers to the process of converting analog data into a digital format that can be stored, processed, and manipulated by a computer. Analog data is continuous, such as sound waves or physical images, while digital data is discrete and represented by a series of ones and zeros.
Digitization involves the use of hardware and software to convert analog data into digital format. For example, a scanner can be used to digitize physical documents, images, and photographs, while a microphone can be used to digitize sound waves.
Once digitized, data can be stored and manipulated using computer programs and software. Digital data is more efficient to store, transfer, and process than analog data, and it allows for more precise manipulation and analysis.
Digitization has revolutionized the way we store and use information, making it easier to access and share information across different platforms and devices. It has also enabled new forms of communication and media, such as digital music and video.

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