Civic Education

Responsible parenthood

Responsible parenthood is the ability and will of parents in raising and nurturing their child from infancy into responsible adult. It is the preparedness on the party of parents to provide for their child basic things that will enable the child to be responsible in meeting his needs and those of the society in general.

Researches from different quarters has shown that the family as the nucleus of the society should nib the buds of society ills and criminal tendencies. This underscores the necessities for responsible parenting.

Responsible parenthood includes, determining the number of children for the family, spacing the children and their education so that they have the best future.

The following should be considered in preparing responsible parenthood.
i. Ability to provide physical, material and psychological needs of the children in the family.
ii. Sound knowledge at child rearing (nurturing)
iii. Ability to adjust emotionally
iv. Sound knowledge of family relationship

Responsible parenthood has to do with issues such as when to marry, when to have children and the family.
In choosing a partner the following should be considered.
a. Age: – At least twenty three years for men and twenty for woman
b. Personality and character
c. Family background
d. Religion
e. Education
f. Occupation
g. Economic standing
It is important to deliberate on the following relevant issues in responsible parenthood:
I. Emotional Maturity:- Intending parents should be emotionally prepared to cope with challenges of marriage and life in general. The health of the mother should be considered before the first pregnancy.
II. Family size : – The intending parents should decide on the number of children to have in the family with respect to career plans, standard of living ……………to, societal and family resources.
III. Child Spacing: – This allows the children to have enough love and affect as well as protect the mother’s health
IV. Preparedness Benefits: Aspiring parents who takes their time before getting into marriage would have acquired requisite element to rear their children and build a strong home. Such elements include good education, employment, and psychological maturity and so on
1. What are the positive effects of responsible parent hood in Nigeria.
2. What are the roles of responsible parent hood in national development

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