Answer for Faraday law of electrolysis…15.131g of a non metal was deposited on the anode when a current of 1.3ampere was passed through it for 1 1/2 days.calculate the charge on the anion of the non metal (1f..96500,ram..26)

Hint: Faraday Law says, m = Z ×Q or m = Z I t. When one coulomb corresponds to one […]

Answer for What is obital configuration

Hello Sylviee In atomic physics and quantum chemistry, the electron configuration is the distribution of electrons of an atom or molecule (or […]

Answer for Are cctv cameras all weather proof?.. 

Check for IP rating on the camera if it Ip65 it water proof camera

English JSSCE

Long and short vowel contrasts

/u: / /u/                            Ʒ:                                        /Ʌ/ pool               good                        first                                      cut screw             cook,                      purse                                    come blue                put                         earn,                                   blood, shoes            push                        thirsty                                […]

English JSSCE


Formal Letters Formal letters cover various types of official letters, such as: Application letters. Letters to Editors of newspapers and […]

English JSSCE


Formal Letters Formal letters cover various types of official letters, such as: Application letters. Letters to Editors of newspapers and […]

English JSSCE

What are the functions of conjunctions

Conjunction comes from a Latin word meaning joined. A conjunction joins words, phrases or sentences together. Types of Conjunctions Coordinating […]

English JSSCE


/i:/ e.g. beat, seat, neat, key, meet, lead, beast etc. /i/ e.g. bit, sit nymph, kid, skill, nip, bib etc. […]

English JSSCE

Adjectives and prepositions

A preposition is a word which precedes a noun (or a pronoun) to show the noun’s (or the pronoun’s) relationship to another […]

English JSSCE

Adverbs and verbs

An adverb is the part of speech (or word class) that is primarily used to modify a verb, adjective, or […]