Christian Religious Studies JSSCE

Types of marriage

Major Types of Marriages

  1. Christian marriage
  2. Islamic marriage
  3. Traditional marriage
  4. Court marriage.

Other Type of Marriages are:

  1. Polygamy: (a) Polygyny: This is a type of marriage in which a man marries more than one wife
  2. Polyandry: This is a type of marriage in which a woman marries more than one husband.
  • Monogamy: This is a type of marriage in which a man is married to one woman.
  1. Levirate: Is a marriage in which a man marries the widow of his dead brother.
  2. Sorogate: Is a type of marriage in which a widower marries one of wife’s sister.
  3. Gay(same sex marriage): (a) Homosexual: Is a type of marriage between a man and a man. (b) Lesbians: This is a type of marriage between a woman and a woman.

SUB TOPIC 2: Importance of Marriage:

  1. It is ordained by God
  2. It reduces fornication
  • It also help in reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS and other sexual transmitted diseases.( STDS).
  1. Marriage discourages teenage pregnancy
  2. Children raised in good marriages are less likely to be criminals.
  3. Marriage reduces hatred and discrimination among different tribes.

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