- It leads to juvenile delinquencies
- It dent the nations image and consequently mars relationship with other nations
- It deplits human resources and manpower of the population
- It jeopardize the health and welfare of the nation
- When majority of the youth is given to drug addiction, it may lead to a very uncertain future of the society
- It leads to slow self-esteem, bad odours from the body, red eyes and dirty set of teeth
- It leads to accidents, permanent or temporary memory loss or even untimely death.
- It may lead to health problems like insomnia, hardening of the liver, heart attack, reduction of life span
- It may lead to indecent recruitment like political thuggery, street urchins, hired assasins, kidnapping, human trafficking, insurgency etc.
- Change in attitude: in the forms of academic performance, at times increase in phone calls, night crawling, change in set of friends and becoming more secretive
- Dirty teeth, red eyes, protruded eyes and bad body odours which may lead to the use of perfumes, peppermints etc.
- Reduce concentration, memory loss, poor co-ordination, looking unkept
- At times metal problems could be the results as the case may be damaged as a result of overuse of hard drugs
- Continuous possession of drugs and accessories
- There is total negligence or assigned responsibilities at the place of work. This may lead to absenteeism
- Due to the effect of drugs in their psychological and emotional state, they engage in criminal activities contrary to the established laws of the society
- They resort to self – solitary conferment. A social problem of the pressure and frustration where drug addicts deliberately to avoid other people.
- Ianure: In home front responsibilities as they are committed to the drugs, that they are addicted to rather than their family.
- They posses a special box kept closed to their bed which usually contains drugs that they swift or injected into their body as well as syringes
- They choose to be violent and rebellious when they feel insecured as a result of their peers, friends and family members, being meticulous about their strange erratic behaviours.
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