Civic Education

Prevention of drug abuse

The consequences of drug abuse are numerous on the individual and the society ranging from mental disorders, psychological and emotional disorders, economic hardship, insecurity etc.

“Prevention they say is better than cure” and “obedience is better than sacrifice”. These two statements are apt when it comes to drug abuse.

Drug addicts are liable to shorten life span, a ruined future and life. The following are ways of preventing drug abuse.

  1. Being early: Frequently, parents should ask for their children view about drugs and correct their wrong notions about the same.
  2. Good examples: parents and teachers should stay clear of illegal drugs as people saddled with the responsibility of bringing up young ones. If parent smoke cigrettes the child may do move by smoking cocaine, marijuana, indian hemp etc “charity begins at home”.
  3. Media campaign: With the aid of programs the mass media should expose student to the effect of drug abuse in their future.
  4. Government effort: government should legislate against dispensing of illegal drugs especially to youth. Tobacco and alcohol produces should be forced to discourage people of certain fun consuming their products.
  5. Encourage extra-curricular activities: youth should be made to engage sporting, musical and religious activities to keep them busy and have no time talking about drugs.
  6. The school curriculum: government should educate school children in drug abuse’s effects on their future by including such in primary and post-primary schools curriculum.
  7. Public enlightenment: programs in the abuse of drugs should be embarked upon by government to educate parent and youths in the consequences through billboards, posters, handbills and mass media.
  8. The fight against of hard and fake drugs should be continued and intensified. The fight put up by NAFDAC and NDLEA should be sustained.

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