A federation or a federal system on in which there is constitutional division or three tires of government (Federal, State/region […]
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Courage is the ability to do something difficult even when there’s risk. Courageous people do and say what they think […]
Below are general school rules students should observe. General school rules Be punctual, report to school and class on time. […]
Discipline is the ability to behave and worn is a strict standard and controlled form which involves obeying particular rules […]
Contentment is the quality of being satisfied with what one has or the situation one finds himself while hoping and […]
Integrity is the ability to stand on one’s word or promise. Irrespective of situation and circumstances one faces. It is […]
CIVIC EDUCATION JSS 2 First Term WEEK TOPIC 1 INTEGRITY Meaning AttributesImportanceExamples of people of integrity into society 2 […]
Market and Types of Market
MARKET: – is a place where buyer and seller meet together to transact business. Has a place where there is […]
Trade means buying and selling of goods and services to satisfy human wants. In the olden days, trade was carried […]
Office Documents
Office documents are documents used in an office for business transactions. There are basically two types of office documents which […]