Civic Education

Drug laws in Nigeria


  1. Indian hemp decree 1966: This prohibits the cultivation, trafficking and consumption of Indian hemp. Its cultivation attracts 21 years imprisonment exportation attract 10 years, 5 years or more for smoking utensils.
  2. Indian hemp amendment decree of 1975: This reduces the penalties in 1966 decree to 6 months imprisonment or #20,000 or both for smoking Indian hemp.
  3. Indian hemp decree of 1987: This repeated 1975 amendment act and reinstated severe penalty. 21 years for sales, trafficking
  4. Tobacco smoking decree 1990: This act laws smoking tobacco in public places like schools, offices, public transport etc. It also ensures and enforce all tobacco advertisement to give caveat to discourage people of certain age not to smoke or drink alcohol like;

“Drink responsibly”, “Not suitable for people under 18”.

“Smokers are liable to die young (18)”.


  1. Identify seven roles of government by fighting drug abuse
  2. State six ways of rehabilitating drug addicts
  3. State six roles of government on fighting drug abuse

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