Civic Education

Employment and poverty alleviation

  1. Employment: it is an arrangement of responsibilities between two parties. The employer (usually the boss and the owner of the business) and the employee (the person aired for specific duties which are condensed into a job)
  2. Alleviation of poverty: this involves the various attempt to reduce the poverty level or actually get rid of poverty in the society.

Poverty is a civic problem and a state of lacking basic necessities of life. The basic necessities include clothing, shelter and food. It goes on to the inability to access clinic, school and credits. It is a state of insecurity, susceptibility to violence and exclusion of persons, household community from basic needs.

  1. Levels of poverty: poverty can be absolute or relative. It is absolute (destitution) when a person has no access to clean and fresh water, food, education, basic health care and clothing. World Bank describes it as living on less than 1.25US dollars per day. In 2006, the United Nation and World Bank affirms that about 1.75billion people lives in absolute poverty worldwide while relatively poverty is accepting level of resource as compared with other in a society or country.


  1. It provides income for the family
  2. It provides means of saving
  3. It provides capital for investment
  4. It provides money for consumption
  5. It provides fund for government to fight poverty
  6. It increases the level of demand leading to industrial growth
  7. It reduces problems in the family which often trigger poverty.

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