Notes Social Studies

Friendship – Meaning Of Friendship


            Types of Friendship

            Factors that Determine Choice of Friends

Friendship is an in-depth relationship. It is a warm and intimate relationship with someone you like and trust. It is a state of emotional attachment to another person due to feelings of affection. Friendship does not involve any sexual interaction. Building friendship takes time and effort. Therefore, friendships are built slowly.

Types of Friendship

  1. Intimate or best friend: This is a type of friendship that has a degree of intimacy. This type of friendship has the ability of greatly influencing one’s decision character and goal in life.
  2. Ordinary friendship: The friendship here is not too strong. The person does not have so much power to influence your behaviour.
  3. Acquaintance: This is the kind of friendship that exists virtually between anyone we meet while carrying out a task, etc.

Importance of Friendship

  1. It provides opportunity for companionship.
  2. It serves as a source of happiness.
  3. It provides opportunity to socialize.
  4. It develops appropriate interpersonal communication.
  5. Individuals come to know trust and depend on others for affection.

Factors that Determine Choice of Friends

  1. Gender – some people prefer having the same gender as their very close friends.
  2. Age –people of the same age bracket are likely to go into friendship.
  3. Common characters – people tend to draw close to those with similar values and friendship.
  4. Common language, nationality or tribe.
  5. Good personality and character – those who cherish sound character maybe easily attracted.
  6. Common interest – Those who have the same interest have the tendency of becoming friends, e.g. sports, profession, etc.


  1. Defined friendship.
  2. Mention the types of friendship
  3. Highlight four factors that determine the choice of friends.


  1. Social Studies Workbook for year7 pages
  2. Highlight four factors that determine the choice of friends.


  1. Which of these behaviour may not promote love relationships A. Aggressiveness    B. Good communication    C. tolerance     D. sharing and caring
  2. Friendship could be defined as _____________   A. a state of being cruel to others   B. a state of being emotionally attached to someone you like    C. a state of fighting one another     D. a state of having one only when things are good.
  3. ___________ is a way of improving friendship.    A. Disagreeing with each other   B. Exchange of gifts    C. Making trouble      D. Quarrelling
  4. The following factors could destroy friendship EXCEPT __________   A. betrayal of trust   B. gossiping    C. honest    D. selfishness
  5. Which of these is NOT a place of making friends?    A. Religious institutions   B. Social clubs    C. Workplace   D. Hole


  1. Define friendship?
  2. Mention four importance of friendship.

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