Christian Religious Studies JSSCE Notes

JSS1 2nd Term Christian Religious Studies scheme of work


JS 1 (BASIC 7)




1.         Revision of first term work.

2.         Relationship in Family: (a) Meaning and Types of Family (b) Recognition of family members.

             (c) Different roles of members of the family Eph. 6: 1-9; 5:21-33. Col. 3:18-21. I Pet. 3:1-7.

             (d) Concept of good family name. Pro. 22:1. Eccl 12:1

3.         Relationship in school:(a) Names of members of the school (school principal, subject teachers,

              house masters/mistresses, prefects, etc) (b) choosing friends at school (factors – common

              interest, age, religion, etc)

4.         Relationship at school: (c) Friendship between David and Jonathan. 1 Sam 18:1-5.

            (d) Bad friendship leads to cultism, stealing, drug addiction, prostitution, lesbianism,

              homosexual, smoking, drinking, laziness, truancy etc. Pro. 1:10; 2 Thess. 3:6-13

5.         Relationship in the community: (a) Identification of the names of community leaders

             (b) Ways of sustaining relationship in the community – Respect for elders and leaders,

              obeying the laws of the land, participation in community development programs caring

              for the needy, religious tolerance, etc Matt. 25:31-46.

6.         Relationship in the Church  (c) Identification of the names of church leaders  (d) Relationship

              in the church i. love your Christian brothers and sisters etc. Rom 12:9-21. ii. Maintaining

              relationship in the church 1 Peter 3:8-13. Rom 13:1-7. (e) Field trip (pay visit to an orphanage

              within the locality of state).

7.         Relationship with God (a) Prayers as means of communicating with God  (b) Relating with

               God through prayer, reading the Bible, worshipping God, praising  etc. Luke 6:9-13.

8.         Relationship with God:  (c). Ways God talks to us i. our parents, the Bible (His word),

              our church leaders like  Priests and Pastors, teachers etc. (d) Ways of maintaining good

               relationship with God i. loving one another ii. Daily  prayer and living a holy life

               iii. Worshipping God and doing good. iv. Reading the Bible daily v. forgiving one another

9.          Call to Obedience: (a) meaning of obedience (b) Abraham obeys God’s call  (c) Blessings from

               obeying God’s call. Gen 12:1-9

10.       Call to obedience: (d) Abraham demonstrates his obedience i. the birth of Isaac Gen 21:1-8

                ii. The ‘sacrifice’of Isaac Gen 22:1-19.

11&12   Revision and Examination

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