Government Notes



  • Origin of Non-Alignment
  • Meaning of Non-Alignment
  • Aims and Objectives of Non-Alignment


The first statement on non-alignment was made by late Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. He made the statement on September 2, 1946 in a radio broadcast. Non-Alignment is an international movement formed by different countries and mostly Third World countries in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, Europe and so on. According to Nehru during his broadcast, he said ‘we decide as far as possible to keep away from the power of politics by groups, aligned against one another, which led in the past to World Wars and which may again lead to disaster.

Other founding fathers of this non-align movement were Josef Tito of Yugoslavia, Egyptian President, Gamai Abdel Nasser. A meeting was held on the  18th and 19th of June  to discuss the rising tension in the World and the effect of this to World peace and security. This meeting which attracted about 25 States held in Yugoslavia eventually saw the formation of non-alignment. Presently we have 113 nations making up the movement.


Non-alignment can be defined as non-commitment of a nation to either the East or West on international issues. Non-alignment policy says that we should not side or be pre-committed to any of the parties involved in a war. We should only try to see whether the issue can be resolved. Nigeria’s policy towards the great powers was based on the principle of Non-alignment, according to Tafawa Balewa. The essence of this doctrine is seen to him as ‘freedom of judgment of important international issues on the basis of Nigeria’s national interest and that of World peace.

Furthermore, Non-alignment can be seen as the ability and freedom to take action on international, political, economic and social issues on the basis of justice.


  1. Trace the origin of Non-alignment
  2. What is Non-alignment?     


  1. Eradication of all forms of colonialism, racial discrimination, neo-colonialism, especially in the Third World countries.
  2. Opposition to nuclear weapons and stopping the arms race and supporting all effort aimed at disarmament
  3. Dispute Resolution: To support peaceful resolution of national and international disputes
  4. 4 To safeguard their national independence and sovereign equality
  5. Division of the World: Opposition to the division of the World into antagonistic power blocs. The West represent U.S.A. and Western European countries (Capitalism), the East represents Russia and Eastern European counties (Communism).
  6. To participate in the making of global decisions affecting our future
  7. Political and Economic Goal: To pursue their own political, economic and social development without foreign interference.
  8. To adhere to the tenets of the U.N.O and the Commonwealth
  9. To use the U.NO. as a platform to attack colonialism and apartheid policy in South Africa.


  1. No Charter : Non-align movement have not enjoyed the  respect an organization of its standard and status deserves because it has no charter, permanent executive body, Secretary General and other institutions of a well established international body.
  2. No Military set up: As a result of its military and economic importance, Non-aligned movement lacks the instrument of coercion to compel obedience to its resolutions.
  3. Poverty: Majority if not all members of the movement are poor. Being a member of poverty stricken countries, Non-aligned movement has become toil of the World powers politics.
  4. Failure to Remain Neutral: Non-aligned movement supposed to be a neutral body, but this body has not been able to achieve or maintain genuine neutrality. This has led to the withdrawal of some members of the movement like Burma and Libya.
  5. Differences in Ideological Stance: Non-aligned movement is a bundle of contradiction in the sense that some members are for Capitalism and others for Socialism. This has really affected the movement’s aims and objectives.
  6. The control of I.M.F. and World Bank: These two international banks are being controlled by developed countries and as such, is affecting the policy of Non-alignment. Most of the members of Non-aligned movement depend on I.M.F and World Bank loans to raise their economy, which means they should be ready to obey their conditions.
  7. Different Cultural Background: Non-aligned movement is a composition of a vast number of nations with different political system, diverse views and aspiration which give rise to different/. expectations from the problems that face international body.
  8. Absence of a leader: There is no acceptable leadership in the movement, for example U.S.A leads the NATO Pact, Russia leads the WARSAW Pac, but Non-aligned movement has no clear leadership.
  9. Finally, the greatest problem of the Non-aligned movement (N.A.M.) has been the inability to successfully mediate between members that are quarreling.


  1. Poverty is the major problem of Non-aligned movement, explain.
  2. How is the control of I.M.F and World Bank a problem to Non-aligned movement?


The following factors or events contributed to the formation of Non-aligned movement;

  1. International Groupings: The formation of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) by Capitalist countries and the formation of WARSAW Pact by socialist countries in 1949 and 1955 respectively.
  2. Arms Race: The competitive accumulation of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction by the World big powers.
  3. Bi-Polarization of the World: The opposition of bi-polarization of the World by Nehru of India and Tito of Yugoslavia
  4. The Aspiration and Desire of Independence States: The desire of the newly independent countries to pursue their political, economic and social development without external interference from either the West or the East.
  5. Globalization: The wish of these newly independent countries to participate in the making of global decisions affecting their future without having anything to do with the super powers.
  6. The visit of late President Tito of Yugoslavia to India in 1954 followed by a meeting held between Tito and Nehru in New Delhi.
  7. The Independence of India in 1947; this development encourages territories struggling for self rule, especially in Africa, Asia and so on.


  1. What is Arm Race? How has it stimulated the formation of Non-alignment?
  2. What is the full meaning of NATO?



Nigeria joined the Non-aligned movement in Cairo in 1964. The following reasons were given for adopting the principle.

  1. To interact and cooperate freely; it was adopted by Nigeria so as to cooperate and interact freely with any nation within the comity of nations.
  2. It was also adopted in order to allow Nigeria to pursue her economic and policies without dictation or interference from either the East or West.
  3. The Mouthpiece of Africa: It was adopted as a policy so that Nigeria would be able to concentrate on issues affecting Africa, since Nigeria regard itself as the mouthpiece of Africa on international issues. The recognition of M.P.L.A in Angolan crisis, the nationalization of BP now AP and Baclays Bank now Union Bank, are examples.
  4. Sovereignty: It was adopted as a policy so as to guide the sovereignty of Nigeria.
  5. It was adopted as a policy in order to give leaders a free hand in putting the interest of the country above any other considerations in foreign policy decision.


  1. Why did Nigeria adopt the policy of Non-alignment?     
  2. What is the relevance of nationalization of BP and Barclays Bank to Nigeria’s Non-align movement?


  1. Explain 4 factors that stimulated the formation of Non-alignment.       
  2. Ideological difference is one of the problems facing Non-aligned movement; discuss


Comprehensive Government by J.U. Anyaele pages 213-214

Essential Government by C.C. Dibie, pages 233-234


  1. All the following are problems of Non-alignment except (a) independence (b) poverty (c) no military set up
  2. Nigeria’s Non-aligned policy means that she will (a) relate only with member countries (b) have nothing to do with the super powers (c) not take side on international issues based on ideological consideration.
  3. One of the underlying principles of Nigeria’s foreign policy is (a) non-commitment towards African unity (b) respect for sovereign equality of all states (c) interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
  4. The foreign policy thrust of the Babangida regime was (a) economic diplomacy (b) African interest (c) military aggression
  5. Nigeria’s relations with other countries are underscored by its policy of (a) peaceful co-existence (b) Afro centrism (c) political diplomacy.


  1. Nigeria has not been able to fully maintain its principle of non-alignment; give reasons for it.
  2. Mention 6 names of countries that are members of non-align movement.


  1. Identify five aims and objectives of Non-alignment.
  2. Discuss apartheid policy


  1. State five achievements of Non-alignment
  2. Why did Nigeria adopt the principle of Non-alignment?


Comprehensive Government by J.U. Anyaele pages 213-214

Essential Government by C.C. Dibie, pages 233-234


  1. The first statement on Non-alignment was made by (a) American President (b) Late British Prime Minister (c) Late Indian Prime Minister
  2. Non-alignment is all about (a) neutrality (b) commitment (c) antagonistic attitude
  3. N.A.M stands for (a) Nigeria Align Movement (b) Non-Align Movement (c) National Align Movement
  4. Which of the following countries is among the Third World countries? (a) Russia (b) Egypt (c) Britain
  5. One of the following is the aim and objective of Non-alignment (a) peaceful resolution of conflict (b) opposition to nuclear weapons (c) promotion of conflict


  1. Define Non-alignment.
  2. State 4 aims and objective of Non-alignment.

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