is there any course study that these young people can take to start them on a road to employment in the solar industry

All QuestionsCategory: Power and Energyis there any course study that these young people can take to start them on a road to employment in the solar industry
Gregory O'Neal Jones asked 3 years ago

I have a class of  students that I train in construction. Their  ages range from 16 – 24. these students have not obtained their High school diploma for whatever reason { i.e.  dropped out of school, legal troubles ect}. We help get young people back on the road to having to a productive life.  What I wanna know is, is there any course study that these young people can take to start them on a road to employment in the solar industry.   Having a high school diploma is one thing. But having a knowledge and working with solar panels (enough to get employed in this industry} would be a life changing event for them.  I am extremely interested in this endeavor. Even if u need to call me please do so. My personal cell number is (601)559-xxxx. Thank you in advance for any and all help u can give me concerning this matter.

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1 Answers
User AvatarStopLearn Team Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi Gregory, I am Peter, the founder of I am personally answering your question because I am interested in your noble project.
Here is the best course on Solar technology that you can ever get and it used to be paid but we have made it free, so that everyone can get to know and become useful in their chosen path:
Please make the students take the course and I will be glad to support them further.

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