Social Studies

Roles of efcc

Unfortunately, corruption still prevails in Nigeria. It is like a devil-fish with huge tentacles which reaches almost all areas of our life! However, there are two main organizations – EFCC and ICPC – whose ultimate goal is to protect us from corruption.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission is charged with the responsibility of enforcing laws that has to do money laundering, fraudulent banking, miscellaneous offenses, advance fee fraud, and other criminal acts that are financial and economic in nature. They strive to put an end to any act that breaks the penal and criminal codes. Also, the EFCC doesn’t have any time restrictions when it comes to when the crime was perpetrated. In addition, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has the power to prosecute immediately without going through the Attorney General’s office. The Independent Corrupt Practices Commission, on the other hand, concentrates on corruption and curbing bribery in the civil and public services, and has time a limit where they only deal with offenses which were committed from 2000.

Functions of EFCC Well, the Operations Department is the center of all the Commission’s investigation activities. It has a responsibility to look into judicial proceedings that are within the mandate of the Commission. Such proceedings involve violations that are against the provisions of the Commission’s empowering law.

The Operations Department activity mainly focuses on the following areas:

– Advance Fee Fraud;

– Bank Fraud;

– Economic Governance;

– Counter;

– Terrorism;

– General Investigation.

Functions of ICPC The ICPC main functions are:

– to eliminate corruption in the country;

– to find and bring to justice any act of corruption;

– to investigate, impose, and reconstruct corruption;

-fighting organisations and procedures in the country;

– to prosecute any criminal found guilty of acts of corruption;

– to nurture and illuminate the public about corruption and other related crimes with aim of recruiting and encourage public support for the fight against corruption

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