Physical and Health Education

health implications of human trafficking on victims

Trafficking in human beings is a gross violation of human rights, a modern day form of slavery and an extremely […]

Physical and Health Education

Issues and challenges in physical health education

Gambling – This is the practice of playing games of chance or betting in the hope of winning money. Gambling is one […]

Physical and Health Education

sport and the society

Sport has been identified as part of the society in the sense that it provides opportunity for interaction with many […]

Physical and Health Education

postural defects and causes

The abnormal way of holding or carrying the body during the performance of various activities due to deviation from the […]

Physical and Health Education

Posture simply means way a person holds the body while sitting or standing. It is a term used to describe […]

Physical and Health Education

Non- communicable diseases and their prevention

Non-communicable Diseases Non-communicable diseases are disease are disease that cannot be transmitted from one person to another. They have many […]

Physical and Health Education

Contact games – taekwondo

Contact games are sports that emphasize or require physical contact between players. Examples are martial arts, rugby and football which […]

Notes Physical and Health Education

Nigerian sports heroes and professionals

The beginning of Physical and Health Education in Nigeria can be traced back to 1900 when the colonial masters first […]

Physical and Health Education


Hockey is a field event played between two teams comprising of eleven players each. The game is played with hockey […]

Physical and Health Education

Field events pole vault

Pole Vault is a field event which involves jumping over a horizontal placed obstacle (bar) that is supported by two […]